Up TradeMark G's Photos » Travels » Burning (Burning Man, Burning Corn, etc.) » Burning Man 2008 » Pics Prev Next Slideshow

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Bethany at the Flaming Lotus Girls just after sunrise
Bethany greets the morning sun at the Flaming Lotus Girls 2
Flaming Lotus Girls at dawn 2
Flaming Lotus Girls at dawn 3
Long morning shadows on the playa
  Long morning shadows on the playa 2.JPG - Long morning shadows on the playa 2  
The Man at sunset (portrait)
The Man at sunset (portrait, zoom)
The Man by night
Bethany, Moldover, and TradeMark (flash)
BM2008 Panorama cropped - 10k

Long morning shadows on the playa 2 | Long morning shadows on the playa 2 Download
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